Epic Albania Roadtrip: Why it's a bad idea to always trust Google Maps
I’m off on a road trip with a couple of uni mates - Mark and Luke.
Yes, we are literally the first 3 books of the New Testament.
This time, I’m trying out vlogging rather than blogging, so watch along on our (mis)adventures below.
Please do like the video, share and subscribe. 😉 You’ll motivate me to create more vlogs and blogs of my adventures (and mishaps) around the world.
Moral of the story: Don’t rely on Google Maps in Albania. We had assumed “SH74” meant “State Highway”, i.e. modern road that normal cars should be able to drive on. But blatantly that was not the case.
“What are you doing on this road?”
“Turn back now, you’ll destroy your car.”
“This is the old road to Berat. Centuries old.”
- Random Albanian in a 4WD coming the other way about half an hour driving on the SH74
Have you ever driven down somewhere you shouldn’t have? Let me know in the comments below.